Living in Minnesota you’ve probably experienced some ice build up on your roof at one time or another. Many homeowners turn to steaming the ice off the roof, but that can be terribly expensive, and often hard on the roof itself. There are options to help mediate ice buildup before it becomes an issue. Call The Gutter Guys can help with roof heating cables also known as heat tape or gutter deicing cables.
Ice Dams and Gutters
Ice dam removal can be dangerous and expensive. It’s important to keep your gutters clear to avoid the build-up of ice because once it starts it tends to compile quickly. We’re going to tell you everything you need to know about ice dams and how to keep them from damaging your home.

Ice dams in gutters can cause water runoff to seep under your shingles, leading to extensive roof damage. Removing ice from gutters can be a long and expensive process, so it’s best to prevent ice dams before they form. Not only is ice dam removal expensive, it also has many risks involved such as damage to your seamless gutters, damage to your roof’s shingles and fascia.
There are a few ice prevention products on the market, such as roof salt, heat cables, heat tape and many more. These all have their own pros and cons.
We are going to address some of the myths out there such as, “Do gutters cause ice dams” and “Can gutter covers cause ice dams”?
What is a Roof Ice Dam?
An ice dam on your roof is a buildup of ice typically on the edge, or eve of your roof, as well as in the gutter itself. Your gutters that normally stops water from flowing off your roof and diverts it through the gutter into the downspout and finally reaching the ground now becomes full or ice and starts to build from there. This may seem harmless, even somewhat pretty when lined with icicles, but the damage it can cause is not so pretty. It’s important to know that the gutter itself has not caused this ice dam.
Ice dams on roofs are formed for a couple main reasons and its not the gutters. They occur when heavy snow buildup melts during the day and then refreezes when temperatures drop overnight. After several days of melting and freezing cycles, it’s common for the melted water and ice to work up under the shingles until water enters the attic and eventually does damage to the ceilings, wall and contents. Yes, in this case water can, and does run uphill.
One reason roofs for ice dams is heat loss. Heat loss from the attic melts snow on your roof, which can then refreeze when it reaches the eaves. An effectively insulated attic can mitigate heat loss, reducing the risk of ice dams from heat loss.
Another reason is lack of circulation. Allowing cold air to circulate under your roof can prevent interior heat from creating ice dams. Installing vents in the eaves and along the roof ridge can help to keep the roof temperature closer to the cooler temperatures along the eaves.
When you have ice buildup always start by looking at the roof’s circulation, heat loss and other factors. Yes, gutters can elaborate the issues because you have created a shelf for lack of better term on the edge of the roof, however, gutters themselves do not cause ice dams
Why are roof ice dams bad?
Ice dams can create leaks in your roof that cause further damage throughout your house if not addressed immediately. Many people wait to get rid of the ice after this point, when the removal becomes much more difficult, dangerous, and expensive.
Keep in mind just because you don’t see a leak inside doesn’t mean your roof isn’t leaking. Water intrusion can be slow, water comes in and as it runs down the rafters the wood will soak up some, as it hits the insulation that will soak up some, the plastic vapor barrier will stop or divert some, the sheetrock itself will absorb at least a little before you ever even see it. There is often much more damage already done by the time you see it.
Other causes of ice dams on your homes roof
Poor attic insulation: Letting the heat escape from your attic is not only bad for your energy bill, but it causes the roof ice to melt, which then fills your gutters. Without proper drainage, this excess water will create an ice dam on the roof.
Clogged gutters: The main cause of ice build-up is a blockage in the path of the water runoff. It could be leaves and sticks, or simply ice that has built up over time and needs to be removed.
Lack of snow removal: Raking the snow off your roof after each snowfall will lessen the roof melt that fills your gutters. Less water in gutters means less ice in gutters when the temperature drops.
How to Remove Ice Dams from your homes roof DIY
Removing ice dams as soon as you notice them is crucial to preventing further damage to your roof. It pays to know a few de-icing solutions, like how to melt ice dams with chemical compounds, so you can start fixing the problem before it gets worse.
- Spread a Chemical De-icer
- Use a Snow Rake
- Hire a Professional
Professionals are the only ones equipped to know how to melt the ice on a roof. By using commercial steaming equipment, they can effectively remove the most ice with the least amount of damage or risk to you or your roof. Their worry-free guarantee may be the easiest solution, but it comes at a cost of roughly $250 to $500 per hour. Call The Gutter Guys has many professional partners we work hand in hand with to deal with these issues so give us a call anytime at 612-314-6770.
The best option is to have the team at Call The Gutter Guys out to your home before winter sets in for a free evaluation. Our team can make sure your current gutters are flowing properly, not filled up with debris, leaves and dirt, and recommend a good gutter cover. Gutter guards, such as RX, or Leaf Blaster Pro, can stop any debris from clogging up your gutter system but can’t always stop ice from forming. Heat cables are another option our team can help you with.
When the temperatures grow colder, our self-regulating heat cables go to work automatically, keeping your gutters’ temperature above freezing to ensure the proper flow. Since it activates automatically it requires no monitoring and wastes no energy. Self-regulating heat cables can be a safe and secure one-time solution to all your ice dam problems.
In the end ice dams are usually controllable in Minnesota. By looking at your homes ventilation, attic insulation & heat loss, your gutters and other factors our professional installers and estimators are here to help. If you’d like to learn more about preventing ice damns on your home and our seamless gutters call us at 612-314-6770.