If you’re a homeowner in the mid-west, such as Minneapolis, Minnesota, you’re well aware of how cold it can get. Winter usually goes from late November to March and with that so does lots of snow, cold, and short days. So how does the affect new gutters? Can, and should you, install in the cold, or wait for spring? Call The Gutter Guys is a seamless gutter company located west of Mpls and we work all year round. Winter can often be the best time to have new gutters installed as service times are usually faster rather than the busy summer market.

Whether you choose to have new gutters installed in the winter, or wait until warmer weather, we’ve put together a few things to consider.
When is the Best Time to Install Gutters? The answer is, it depends. While you can install gutters in the winter, it may be better to wait for very dark colors. If you’re installing black gutters for instance remember about expansion & contraction. Extremely dark colors, like black, shrink when it’s freezing out. If you install dark colors in the cold they can expand when it gets warmer out and buckle the gutter. That being said it’s still OK to install these in the winter just make sure it’s above freezing when installing dark colors. Lighter colors will make no difference.
Call The Gutter Guys work and install seamless gutters all year long, even in the winter. We’re located just west of Minneapolis MN in Rockford. There is nothing wrong with installing gutters in the winter and there won’t be any issues as long as care is taken and colors are watched for proper temps. So, can gutters be installed in the winter? Yes!
Give the gutter experts at Call The Gutter Guys a call today to get started on your new gutter installation plans! Our team can be reached at 612-314-6770 or use the form below.